Installation guide


RxAPI must be installed on a computer with:

The recommended configuration is a standard AMP stack (Apache - mySQL - PHP). That’s easy to install on any computer, and it should be available with most of web hosting providers, even the cheapest shared hostings.


  1. Create a database and add a corresponding user to your SQL database.

  2. Download the server from the repository.

  3. Set up the config file with needed information (read below for more details).

  4. Upload the content of the src directory to your server.

  5. Go to the install URL: http://yourserver.tld/rxapi/install for example. The correct URL depends on your host and domain name.


Most of the data should be automatically served from your Github repos.

To check for updates, RxAPI will look for the tags in the corresponding Github repo to compare the current version with the latest tag. This means the tags and the script/application checking for udpate must use semantic versionning.

To find the correct repository, RxAPI will use the user set in the config file, and the name of the script or application checking for update. To override this information for a specific script or application (set an alias to the Github repo), you can manually add the information directly in the rxv_apps table of the SQL database.

Config file

Here’s the default config file, comments should help you understand what you need to add.


        This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

        Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Nicolas Dufresne and Contributors.

        This program is free software;
        you can redistribute it and/or modify it
        under the terms of the GNU General Public License
        as published by the Free Software Foundation;
        either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

        This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        See the GNU General Public License for more details.

        You should have received a copy of the *GNU General Public License* along with this program.
        If not, see

    // Edit this configuration file before running the install script at /install/index.php

    // === DEV MODE ===
    // Activates printing the SQL & PHP errors.
    // For security reasons, it is important to set this to false in production mode
    $devMode = false;

    // ==== SQL SETTINGS ====

    // Host URL
    $sqlHost = "localhost";
    $sqlPort = 3306;
    // Database name
    $sqlDBName = "rxapi";
    // User
    $sqlUser = "rxapi";
    // Password
    $sqlpassword = "eEGWRk7i";
    // Table prefix
    // DO NOT CHANGE THIS, not working yet
    $tablePrefix = "rxv";

    // ==== General Settings ====
    // Main associated website
    $orgURL = '';
    // How long to cache results to improve perfs (seconds, default is 300)
    $cacheTimeout = 300;

    // ==== Funding ====
    $fundingGoal = 4000;
    $donateURL = '';

    // ==== Github Settings ====
    $ghUsername = "YourPersonalUserName";
    $ghToken = "YourPersonalAccessToken";
    $ghUser = "RxLaboratory";

    // ==== Patreon Settings ====
    // Leave empty if you don't use Patreon
    // Otherwise, create an application on Patreon
    // And add the Creator's access token here
    $patreonToken = "";

    // ==== WordPress Settings ====
    // Leave empty if you don't use WordPress
    // Otherwise, create an application password in your WordPress user profile
    // Your username
    $wpUsername = "";
    // The application password
    $wpPassword = "";

    // ==== WooCommerce Settings ====
    // Leave empty if you don't use WooCommerce
    // Otherwise create an API Key on WooCommerce
    // The client key
    $wcUsername = "";
    // The client secret
    $wcToken = "";
    // List the products to check, leave empty for all. Must be the product ids.
    $wcProducts = array();